IPC Table Reads

Table reading

One playwright per event: full-length plays

All current members of IPC are allowed one table reading per year as part of their regular membership, pending availability. There is one table reading per month, with additional readings a month able to be requested, but not guaranteed, based on facilitator schedule. Non-members are able to schedule a table reading for $50, which can be paid for via the IPC website. Until further notice, all table readings will be virtual in response to the ongoing pandemic. IPC will re-evaluate as time passes, but does not guarantee any in-person readings at this time. See IPC’s Virtual Event Policy.

Determining Eligibility

Due to the increased number of requests and growth in IPC, the following will be required prior to scheduling a table reading (this is suggested for all and required for non-members):

A 10-minute sample of your work must be brought to Scene Night to help the IPC team determine if a table reading is the best next step for the piece. (Scene Night is free for members and $10 for non-members.)

This will also help prepare the playwright for how feedback is structured at IPC and what to expect.

If our Table Read Coordinator cannot attend the Scene Night, the Scene Night facilitator will connect with them afterward.

If after the Scene Night reading, the work is determined to be ready for a table reading, the date will be confirmed. This is when payment will be due for non-members.

If after the Scene Night reading, the work is determined to better benefit from other developmental steps, the Table Read Coordinator will reach out with the feedback and other potential steps. This may include additional submissions to Scene Night, private coaching suggestions, additional review/editing, etc.

What an IPC Table Reading Is and Is Not

A table reading with IPC is one of the last steps in a play’s developmental cycle. However, every piece’s creative journey is different. It is not uncommon for a piece to best develop with multiple table readings before moving on to a staged reading, which is traditionally the ‘final’ step before a production in a play’s development cycle. In fact, it is incredibly common for work to hit the table reading step several times during its growth. With that in mind we would like to outline a few things in what an IPC table reading is and is not:

The play is complete and has no missing scenes or acts.

The playwright is looking for feedback to better the development of the piece.

This is likely NOT the very first draft of the play, but rather a more polished version that is formatted properly and relatively free of typos and grammatical errors. The play is expected to be in draft form, but it is expected that the playwright has made some effort to put a clean copy together for the reader.

This is NOT a performance opportunity, but a developmental opportunity.

Table Reading Expectations and Responsibilities

Now that you’ve scheduled your table reading and it has been confirmed, please see below so that you can best be prepared for what your role and responsibilities will be and what the IPC facilitator’s responsibilities will be. Remember, IPC is run by a group of volunteers, so please be respectful of their time and talents.

Playwright Responsibilities

Send a completed draft of the script, along with a cast of characters (including doubling suggestions), and headshot. These items are due 3 weeks prior to the reading.

An important note on doubling: We ask that any piece (even if it requires less than 6 actors) be evaluated for doubling opportunities. Even if it would not work in a true production, please understand this is NOT a production, it is a development opportunity. A role that only appears in one scene might be vital and important to be separate from any other character in production, but for a reading, it is perfectly acceptable to be doubled. We require that you work on doubling to try to get your scripts to 6 or fewer actors. There are times that may not be possible, but we believe the attempt offers a good exercise for the playwright. We ask that you condense your cast into as few actors as possible to be respectful of their time and limit the risk of technological issues.

The playwright agrees to promote their reading so that they can solicit feedback from their peers, friends, family, or others. Since this is not a performance, per se, please explain to attendees that feedback would be appreciated. (Note that not all attendees can stay for the feedback portion and may contact the playwright offline with their impressions, or not at all.)

The playwright is challenged to listen during the feedback portion and resist the urge to answer questions or react. 

Playwright will send a list of questions they have for the listeners and goals for the reading one week prior to the actual event.

IPC Facilitator Responsibilities

 The facilitator will cast the reading based on who would legitimately play those roles in a production. The playwright understands that on special occasions, gender/race/age blind casting might be utilized due to actor availability.

The actors will have the script at least one week before the performance, but this will be a cold reading. This offers a better developmental experience, because it shows actors’ first impressions to the work and roles.

IPC will promote the reading through their channels, but this is not to replace the playwright’s responsibility to promote their work and reading.

The facilitator will create the event, manage the Zoom call, and facilitate the actual reading including feedback. The goal is to complete the feedback portion of the event within an hour after the reading has completed, ending the whole experience at 10pm, or earlier if possible.

The facilitator will guide the discussion to ensure the questions/goals of the playwright are addressed.

The table reading will also be recorded and stored with the facilitator for 2 months.

After the Table Reading

After your incredible table reading has been completed, the facilitator will begin the process of downloading and saving the recording of the table reading and the chat. This file will only be saved for 2 months. In order to get the recording, the playwright will need to send a digital link to the facilitator within those two months that allows the facilitator to upload the files. Dropbox has options for free available, but it is by no means the only option.  Playwright understands that whatever system they use, they need to send a link that allows the facilitator to upload without setting up an account. The coordinator can assist with suggestions and troubleshooting. Any lingering questions, concerns, or feedback is welcome even after the reading is completed.

Scheduling a Table Reading

Email Mary Karty at indianapolism@gmail.com to begin the process or to ask any questions!

Past Table Reads

January – Nancy Temple, The Letter

February – Kate Duffy, It’s Always Something Father Ned

March – Dr. L. Jan Eira

April – Ann Snead, Augustine Pursued

May – Celeste Williams, American Griot

June – Paul K. Smith, The Women Who Fought Russia’s War

  • January 31: Mark Harvey Levine, Save Hamlet
  • February 25: Dr. L. Jan Eira, Imminent Danger
  • March 25: Casey Ross, Copyright Safe
  • April: postponed
  • May 17: Janice Neal, That Day in February
  • June 24: Julie Zaffarano, Above the Fold
  • July 29: Judith Robinson, Ghost of a Chance
  • August 31: Marcia Eppich-Harris, Seeking Nietzsche
  • September 30: Susan Masters, Where Roses Bloom
  • October 28: Maripat Allen, Love Among Mortals
  • November 18: Casey Ross, Tortillo!

February 2020: Louis Janeira, Stay Small

April 2020: Marcia Eppich-Harris, Seneca and the Soul of Nero; Travis McDearmon, D-Bag

May 2020: Enid Cokinos, Prop Master

June 2020: Sam Hill, Troubled: A Play on Words

July 2020: Josie Gringrich, Glamma

August 2020: Michael Donohue, Moore or Less about NothingDecember 2020: Mary Karty, Hello, Tommy

September 2020: Sondra Hayes, Unheard of Warranty

October 2020: Andrew Black, What Same Sex Marriage Means to Me; Maripat Allen, The Would-Be Loves Website; Dr. L. Jan Eira, The Freshman That Could

November 2020: Megan Ann Jacobs, Coping with Autumn; Laura Goodenow, Divine

September 2019: Marcia Eppich-Harris, The Profession

October 2019: Celeste Williams, Indy Griot

November 2019: Brandi Underwood and Joe Barsanti, Our Father’s Treasure

December 2019: Kevin Green, Informed Ascent

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Table reading

One playwright per event: full-length plays

If you have a complete draft of your play, you may be ready for a full table read. We hold monthly table reads for members — first come, first served. Email Megan Ann Jacobs, our table read coordinator, to set up a table read. She will cast the show and schedule the reading. If you have not received a confirmation, that means you are not signed up! During the pandemic, all table reads will be online via Zoom and will be scheduled based on coordinator, playwright, and actor availability.  

Questions? Email Indiana Playwrights Circle at ipcinfo@360study.net.

Past Readings

December 2020: Mary Karty, Hello, Tommy

November 2020: Laura Goodenow, Divine; Megan Ann Jacobs, Coping with Autumn

October 2020: Dr. L. Jan Eira, The Freshman That Could

September 2020: Sondra Hayes, Unheard of Warranty

August 2020: Michael Donohue, Moore or Less about Nothing

July 2020: Josie Gringrich, Glamma

June 2020: Sam Hill, Troubled: A Play on Words

May 2020: Enid Cokinos, Prop Master

April 2020: Marcia Eppich-Harris, Seneca and the Soul of Nero; Travis McDearmon, D-Bag

February 2020: Louis Janeira, Stay Small

December 2019: Kevin Green, Informed Ascent

November 2019: Brandi Underwood and Joe Barsanti, Our Father’s Treasure

October 2019: Celeste Williams, Indy Griot

September 2019: Marcia Eppich-Harris, The Profession

Calendar of IPC Events

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